x86 Architecture and Assembly Instructions
Programming Model
232- bytes
8 32-bit General Purpose Registers
Register |
Function |
16-bit low end |
8-bit |
eax |
Accumulator |
ax |
ah, al |
ebx |
(base index) |
bx |
bh, bl |
ecx |
(count) |
cx |
ch, cl |
edx |
(data) |
dx |
dh, dl |
edi |
(destination index) |
do |
esi |
(source index) |
si |
ebp |
Frame pointer |
bp |
esp |
Stack top pointer |
sp |
6 16-bit Section Registers
Register |
Function |
cs |
Code section |
ds |
Data section |
ss |
Stack section |
es |
(extra section) |
fs |
(supplemental section) |
gs |
(supplemental section) |
EFLAGS Register
S |
Sign |
Z |
Zero |
C |
Carry |
P |
Parity |
O |
Overflow |
32-bit EFLAGS Register
32-bit EIP (Instruction Pointer Register)
AT&T Style Syntax (GNU C/C++ compiler and GAS)
- Инструкция: opcode[b+w+l] src, dest
- Регистр: %reg
- Размер операнда: [b+w+l] for byte, word, longword - 8, 16,
32 bits
- Адрес памяти: section:disp(base,
index, scale) где base и index 32-битный базовый либо индексный регистр,
disp - смещение, scale - одно из чисел 1, 2, 4, 8,
помноженное на index для вычисления адреса операнда. --
адрес относительно сегмента , который вычисляется как : base
+ index*scale + disp
- Constants (immediate operands)
- 74 - десятичные
- 0112 - бинарные (начинается на 0)
- 0x4A - 16-ричные (начинается на 0x)
- 0f-395.667e-36 - floating point
- 'J' - символ
- "string" - строка
Operand Addressing
- Code: CS + IP (Code segment + Offset)
- Stack: SS + SP (Stack segment + Offset (stack top))
- Immediate Operand: $constant_expression
- Register Operand: %register_name
- Memory Operand: section:displacement(base,
index, scale)
Порядок установки секционных регистров : cs - для кода, ss - для стека, ds - для данных ,
es - для строк.
Base |
+( |
Index |
* |
Scale |
)+ |
Displacement |
edi |
edi |
4 |
Number |
- DirectOperand: displacement (often just the symbolic name for
a memory location)
- Indirect Operand: (base)
- Base+displacement: displacement(base)
- index into an array
- access a field of a record
- (index*scale)+displacement: displacement(,index,scale)
- Base + index + displacement: displacement(base,index)
- two dimensional array
- one dimensional array of records
- Base+(index*scale)+ displacement: displacement(base,
- Функция - возвращает значение
- Процедура - ничего не возвращает
Вызов процедуры:
Caller ... |
call target |
Передача управления
- сохпаняем содержимое программного счетчика
- устанавливаем программный счетчик (CS:IP) на указатель подпрограммы.
Subroutine |
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp |
Сохраняем стек перед вызовом подпрограммы
Инициализируем новый стек |
Callee ... |
Тело |
movl %ebp,%esp
popl %ebp |
Восстанавливаем базовый стек до вызова подпрограммы
ret |
Восстановление программного счетчика (CS:IP) |
Caller ... |
Представление данных
- Bits, Bytes, Wyde, word, double word -- modulo 2^n
- Sign magnitude -- sign bit 0=+, 1=-; magnitude
- One's complement -- negative numbers are complement of positive numbers
- problem: two representations for zero
- Twos complement (used by Intel) -- to negate:
- Invert (complement)
- add 1
- Excess 2^(n-1) (often used for exponent)
- ASCII - character data
Data Definition Directives
Description provided to the assembler of how static data is to be organized.
- Symbolic name (variables and constants)
- Size (number of bytes)
- Initial value
- .data
- Define Byte (DB): (8-bit values) [name] DB initial value
[, initial value] see key examples in text; multiple values,
undefined, expression, C and Pascal strings, one or more lines of text, $
for length of string
- Define Word (DW): (16-bit words) [name] DW initial value
[, initial value] see key examples in text; reversed storage
format, pointers
- Define Double Word (DD): (32-bit double words) [name] DW
initial value [, initial value]
- Example: p. 80
- DUP Operator: n dup( value ) see key examples in text;
type checking
Constant Definitions
- EQU: name EQU constant expression
Data Transfer Instructions
- mov src, dest
- src: immediate value, register, memory
- dest: register, memory
- except memory, memory
- xchg sd1, sd2
- Memory, Register
- Register, Memory
- Register, Register
- push src
- src: immediate, register, or memory
- pop dest
- pusha - save all registers on the stack
- popa- restore all registers from the stack
Arithmetic Instructions
- addsrc, dest; sublsrc, dest - src +- dest,
result in dest
- Memory, Register
- Register, Memory
- Register, Register
- Flags Affected by add and sub: OF (overflow), SF (sign), ZF (zero), PF
(parity), CF (carry), AF (borrow)
- incdest;decl dest faster than
- Flags Affected by inc and dec: OF (overflow), SF (sign), ZF (zero), PF
(parity), AF (borrow)
- adc & sbbadd with carry/subtract with borrow - used
for adding numbers with more than 32-bits
- cmp src, dest computes src - dest (neither src or
dest changes) but may change flags.
- Memory, Register
- Register, Memory
- Register, Register
- cmpxchg src, dest - compares dest with accumulator
and if equal, src is copied into destination. If not equal,
destination is copied to the accumlator.
- neg dest- change sign or two's complement
- Flags Affected by NEG: SF (sign), ZF (zero), PF (parity), CF (carry),
AF (borrow)
- mul src -unsigned multiplication EDX:EAX = src *
- imul src- signed multiplication EDX:EAX = src * eax
- Flags Affected by MUL, IMUL:
- undefined: SF, ZF, AF, PF
- OF, CF set if upper half is nonzero, set otherwise
- div src (unsigned) src is general register or memory
quotient eax = edx:eax/src; remainder edx = edx:eax mod src
- idiv src (signed) src is general register or memory
quotient eax = edx:eax/src; remainder edx = edx:eax mod src
- Flags Affected by DIV, IDIV:
- undefined: OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF
- Type 0 interrupt if quotient is too large for destination
- CBW (change byte to word) expands AL to AX - signed arithmetic
- CWD (change word to double word) expands AX to DX:AX - signed
- BCD Arithmetic - often used in point of sale terminals
- ASCII Arithmetic - rarely used
Logic Instructions
- andl src, dest - dest = src and dest
- orl src, dest
- xorl src, dest
- notl dest - logical inversion or one's complement
- neg dest- change sign or two's complement
- testl src, dest(an AND that does not change dest, only
Shift and Rotate Instructions
- Logical Shift
- shr count, dest - shift dest count bits to the
- shl count, dest- shift dest count bits to the
- Arithmetic Shift(preserves sign)
- sar count, dest - shift dest count bits to the
- sal count, dest- shift dest count bits to the
- Rotate without/With carry flag
- ror count, dest - rotate dest count bits to the
- rol count, dest- rotate dest count bits to the
- rcr count, dest - rotate dest count bits to the
- rcl count, dest- rotate dest count bits to the
- test arg, arg(an AND that does not change dest, only
- cmp src, dest subtract src from dest (neither src or dest
changes) but may change flags.
- Memory, Register
- Register, Memory
- Register, Register
- Flag Bit Operations
- Complement CF: CMC
- Clear CF, DF, and IF: CLC,CLD,CLI,
- Set CF, DF, and IF: STC, STD, STI
Control Transfer Instructions
- cmp src, dest - compute dest - src and set flags
- Jump instructions: the transfer is one-way; that is, a return address
is not saved.
Jump Instructions
jmp dest |
unconditional |
jmp NEXT
Unsigned conditional jumps |
jcc dest |
ja/jnbe |
C=0 and Z=0 |
Jump if above |
jae/jnb |
C=0 |
Jump if above or equal to |
jb/jnae |
C=1 |
Jump if below |
jbe/jna |
C=1 or Z=1 |
Jump if below or equal to |
jc |
C=1 |
Jump if carry set |
je/jz |
Z=1 |
Jump if equal to |
jnc |
C=0 |
jump if carry cleared |
jne/jnz |
Z=0 |
jump if not equal |
jnp/jpo |
P=0 |
jump if no parity |
jp/jpe |
P=1 |
jump on parity |
jcxz |
cx=0 |
jump if cx=0 |
gcc does not use |
jecxz |
ecx=0 |
jump if ecx=0 |
gcc does not use |
Signed conditional jumps |
jcc dest |
jg/jnle |
Z=0 and S=0 |
jump if greater than |
jge/jnl |
S=0 |
jump if greater than or equal |
jl/jnge |
S=1 |
jump if less than |
jle/jng |
Z=1 or S=1 |
jump if less than or equal |
jno |
O=0 |
jump if no overflow |
jns |
S=0 |
jump on no sign |
jo |
O=1 |
jump on overflow |
js |
S=1 |
jump on sign |
- Loop instructions: The loop instruction decrements the ecx register
then jumps to the label if the termination condition is not satisfied.
movl count, %ecx
loop LABEL
Termination condition |
looplabel |
ecx = 0 |
gcc does not use |
loopz/loopelab el |
ecx =0 or ZF = 0 |
gcc does not use |
loopnz/loopnelabel |
ecx = 0 or ZF = 1 |
gcc does not use |
- callname - call subroutine name
- ret - return from subroutine
- enter
- leave
- intn - interrupt
- into - interrupt on overflow
- iret - interrupt return
- bound - value out of range
- CASE E DO c1 : S1; c2 : S2; ... cn : Sn end;
- FOR I from J to K by L DO S;
String Instructions
The sring instructions assume that by default, the address of the source
string is in ds:esi (section register may be any of cs, ss, es, fs, or gs)
and the address of the destination string is in es:edi (no override on the
destination section). Typical code follow the scheme
initialize esi and edi with addresses for source and destination strings
initialize ecx with count
Set the direction flag with cld to count up, with std to
cound down
prefix string-operation
- [prefix]movs - move string
- [prefix]cmps - compare string WARNING: subtraction is dest -
source, the reverse of the cmp instruction
- [prefix]scas - scan string
- [prefix]lods - load string
- [prefix]stos - store string
- String instruction prefixes: The ecx register must be initialized and
the DF flag in initialized to control the increment or decrement of the
ecx register. Unlike the loop instruction, the test is performed
before the instruction is executed.
- rep - repeat while ecx not zero
- repe - repeat while equal or zero (used only with cmps and
- repne - repeat while not equal or not zero (used only with
cmps and scas)
Miscellaneous Instructions
- leal src, dest(load effective address -- the address of
src into dest)
- nop
- xlat/xlatb
- cpuid
Floating Point Instructions
Floating Point
8 32-bit registers
Register |
Function |
st |
st(0) |
st(1) |
... |
st(7) |
MMX Instructions
System Instructions
- hlt
- lock
- esc
- bound
- enter leave
Memory Management Unit